How Often Do You Think, "I'm So Stressed Out"?
Feeling Stressed is Optional is a one-of-a-kind book that includes the what, why and how of stress relief. It offers evidence-based stress relief tools to help balance and improve your personal and professional life.
The unique multimodal format of this book combines engaging content, video, audio, and worksheets so you can create effective long lasting behavior changes.
Dr. Robyn Tiger leads you through the pillars of Lifestyle Medicine, giving practical information about sleep, nutrition, exercise, social connection, escapes and more - helping you transform your life and thrive like never before.
Imagine finally feeling calm, balanced, and in control. It’s possible!

How to take care of yourself
You have whole-heartedly dedicated many intense and at times grueling years of your life learning how to care for others.
But at what cost to you?
The journey of training in and practicing medicine takes an unbelievable toll on your physical, emotional and psychological health. Medscape reports most physicians do not care for themselves on a regular basis. Why? You were never taught how.
I can help!
By filling in your huge medical education gap and teaching you an evidence-based whole person approach to elevate your health and well-being based on the key pillars of Lifestyle Medicine:
Stress prevention and relief
Healthful nutrition
Restorative sleep
Physical activity
Social connection
Avoiding risky substances
Know that you didn’t come this far… to only come this far. Medicine trains us away from ourselves.
I am here to teach you how to come back home.
Board Certified Lifestyle Medicine Physician
The Self-Care Doctor
Hi and welcome! I’m Dr. Robyn Tiger, founder of StressFreeMD and lead faculty and subject matter expert in stress management for the Foundations of Lifestyle Medicine Board Review.
Throughout my 10 years of medical training and 15 years in medical practice, I developed a multitude of symptoms and illnesses that led to a deep dissatisfaction with my work and my personal life. I lost a sense of who I was.
Here is the good news:
I was able to demystify my symptoms, coming to realize that everything I was experiencing was all caused by underlying chronic stress. By implementing several tools that we were never taught back in medical training, I finally found lasting relief.
Feeling that my newfound knowledge was way too important to keep all to myself, I became certified in the multiple disciplines that helped me so that I could best support you, my medical peer.
With physician stress, anxiety, depression and burnout on the rise, and having personally lost 3 physician colleagues to suicide, I’m deeply passionate about sharing what I have learned with as many physicians as I can.
As a trauma informed mind-body expert, I’m here to support you so that you, too, can elevate both your lifespan and healthspan and live your happiest, most fulfilling life!